The Battle for Kirkuk: What is Happening?

Kirkuk is a highly polemic city for the Iraqi-Kurdish relations, as far as the local population is divided among the central government and the Kurdish what is linked to the ethnical composition of the city. The real population of Kirkuk is difficult to know due to the war against ISIS, the tensions and the people who …

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Military balance: Iraqi Army vs Peshmergas

Introduction Due to the recent self-determination referendum done with the blessing of Barzani, the Iraqi Kurdistan autonomous government has threatened to declare independence, affecting to even disputed areas out of the administrative Kurdish region, so our objective with this analysis is to elucidate if in case of war with the Iraqi State the Kurdish really …

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A deep look at the heart of ISIS war machine: From tactics to doctrine

On this article we will have a deep look at ISIS from the military point of view and so we will analyze their structure, materials, way of fight and different tactics and tricks used by them on the battlefield. If you like it I would be grateful if you could share it. Table of content: …

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Made on the Caliphate Attack Drones: Brief Analysis of the Threat

Along 2016 and 2017 have emerged images and videos showing us an exponential increasing use of drones as attack platforms by ISIS and some rebel groups in Syria and Irak, on this article we are going to treat the evolution we have been able to see in their use their capabilities and the projectiles designed by …

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How to defeat ISIS SVBIED fleet

Translation by Victor Lledó. Introduction The VBIEDs Conceptual Framework Outlining the Threat Heavy Machine Guns and Others ATGMs Tanks and Heavy Guns Obstacles How Can We Fight Them? Open Terrain Urban Enviroment The Junction Defensive Approach Also do not forget that we offer military analysis and OSINT services. The B of VBIED means "Borne" we did …

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¿Por qué al-Bukamal?

Read this article in English Al-Bukamal es una ciudad siria situada en la rivera sur del río Éufrates junto a la frontera entre Iraq y Siria, se supone que en 2012 estaba poblada por algo más de 100.000 habitantes. Toda el área situada entre el sureste de Deir ez Zor y el desierto del este de …

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Golpe de mano de Estado Islámico

Introducción He hecho un vídeo sobre este mismo tema. En este artículo voy a tratar de demostrar la profesionalidad y meticulosidad de los ataques rápidos de Estado Islámico mediante un análisis muy profundo desde el punto de vista táctico de uno de los pocos vídeos en que se nos muestra un golpe de mano completo de este …

Sigue leyendo Golpe de mano de Estado Islámico